Parents & Community

Diamond Lake District 76

Parents & Community

For Parents...

At Diamond Lake School District 76, we strive to make the educational journey as easy as we can
for parents to navigate by providing useful information and resources.

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ABOUT USAccess information pertaining to District 76 and Schools.
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Strategic PlanView our District 76 Strategic Plan including vision, goals, and our portrait of a graduate.
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RegistrationAccess pre-registration, registration, and registration forms for Diamond Lake School District 76 schools.
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Community LiaisonView resources for our parents and community.
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PowerSchoolAccess the parent and student portals for PowerSchool.
Parent UniversityFamily professional development,resources, presentations, and access to live parent learning events.
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TransportationInformation and resources pertaining to District 76 transportation.
e-payAccess our online system for online payments such as registration, sports, clubs, and meals.
Food Services
Food servicesBreakfast and lunch menu information.
PTOParent Teacher Organization information, resources, events, fundraisers, and how to connect.
Student Parent Handbook
Student Parent HandbookSchool year handbook for Diamond Lake, West Oak Intermediate and West Oak Middle School.
TEACHER PRESENTATIONSView grade level presentations from our back to school and curriculum night events.
INTERACTIVE REPORT CARDView the recent Illinois Report Card for District 76.
FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS View Diamond Lake District 76 facilities planning, projects, referendum information, timeline, gallery, and much more.
EMERGENCY CLOSING INFORMATION View the D76 emergency closing procedures.
NEWSLETTERS View all District 76 school and district newsletter updates all in on area.
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HEALTH SERVICES Visit our Health Office webpage for district-wide health information.
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BPAC Opportunity for all bilingual program parents to participate in monthly meetings and events.
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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Access past and upcoming community engagement events.
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COMMUNICATIONS Access information to D76 resources and apps for district and school communications.
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SAFE2SPEAKUP Safe2SpeakUP is a way to help ensure that bullying is reported and addressed in a timely manner.
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COMMUNITY PARTNERS Learn about local resources, high schools, libraries, and park districts.
D76 ALUMNI We value our graduates' success and are proud to share their accomplishments with our community.
AFTERSCHOOL CLUB Learn more about our afterschool programs from Innovation Learning.
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