Emergency Closings

Diamond Lake District 76

Emergency Closings

Emergency Closing Information

There are a number of reasons we might close one or more of our school buildings or start the school day late including severe weather, power outages, heating or water problems.  We take this decision very seriously and will make every effort to decide as early as possible.  

How we will notify families:  In the event of severe weather or an unforeseen emergency, we will send an automated phone message and email alert to all families and employees informing them of the situation.  In order to receive these alerts, your phone numbers and email addresses must be up to date in our system. Contact your child’s school to make updates/changes.  We will also post a message on the D76 Homepage and all social media pages (X, Facebook, Instagram).  If schools are closed, all before and after school activities will be canceled.  The before and after school program, Innovative Learning, will also be closed.  

E-Learning Day: In the event that we have an emergency closing, we will also announce if we will be having an E-Learning Day in our communications.  An E-Learning day is similar to the Distance Learning Academy that we had last school year when schools were closed due to the pandemic.  We have updated the E-Learning procedures here.  

Technology Protocol: In the event we have an E-Learning Day, students will follow our Emergency/

Inclement Weather Technology Student Protocol

Late Start

Late Start:  When dangerous weather conditions are expected or other unforeseen conditions (road closures, Village emergencies, etc...) that may impact the ability of students and staff to get to school safely at the normal start time, but improving conditions are expected later in the day, we have the option to delay the start of school.

In the event of a late start, all schools will follow the late start schedule and begin 90 minutes later than normal.  Buses will pick up 90 minutes later than the regular time; Click here for the late start bus schedule. Lunch will be served as usual.

  • Diamond Lake School School  will start at 9:10 am 

  • West Oak Intermediate School will start at 9:30 am

  • West Oak Middle School will start at 10:00 am

Dismissal Time:  It is important to note that on a late start weather day, dismissal times are the same as a normal school day. After school activities will be conducted as scheduled.  

What about Early Childhood/PreK during a late start day:  AM Early Childhood/PreK program will be canceled, however, the PM Early Childhood/PreK program will operate on its normal busing pick up schedule.

Excessive snow or extreme cold:  School may be canceled if the wind chill, according to the National Weather Service, is 35 degrees below zero or colder at 5:30 am and predicted to remain that low or become worse. School may also be canceled if heavy snow falls, especially when it falls around arrival time. Elementary school students are expected to go outdoors for recess, unless the wind chill factor falls below 15°F.  

If you choose to keep your child home on days school is in session, please contact your child’s school to report the absence. If you have questions, feel free to contact your school Principal and/or me at the school and/or District office.
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